"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Friday, October 30, 2020

Jennifer Donnelly- Rogue Wave ♥♥♥♥♥

Jennifer Donnelly- Rogue Wave
Waterfire Saga
297 pages

I couldn't get a review up for the first book, Deep Blue, but my feelings on both books are very similar. This will serve as a sum of my feelings and impressions of both books. 

I fell in love with this series almost immediately. Sera was so easy to connect with and understand that I was with her 100% from the very beginning. Donnelly was able to invoke real emotions throughout. I can't really give any specifics, but there is a real emotional roller-coaster here! Authors that can do that have an exceptional place in my heart.

The pacing runs pretty smooth, but there won't be any definite conclusions to any of the story arks until the end from what I gather now. I have mixed feelings about that. At the end of both Deep Blue and Rogue Wave, it felt like it was over in the middle of things. There were some revelations, some minor conclusions, but felt a little abrupt to be over. I think the reason I'm not more upset about this is because I own all the books. I don't have to wait a year or more to see what will be happening. I know I can jump right into the next book without delay. I understand using cliffhangers and plot lines that run across multiple books, and I'm ok with that, but here it just seems like Donnelly had one really long story that she cut into 4 books. So it's not inherently bad; I'm just a little off-kilter with how we left things. 

The other minor thing potential readers should be aware of is the terminology. Some of it is a little jarring since there is no readily available explanation. You have to be willing to roll with it and not understand exactly what you read until later. I really like this style of writing because it's more immersive. You don't get pulled out of the story to see an explanation of how it works. It does require a little more patience, though. There is a glossary in the back. Be warned: the glossary is written on the assumption you've read the story. You may encounter mild spoilers if you go there before you are done reading. 

The way all the relationships are portrayed is sooo good. The depth and conflict feel very real. I really am in love with these characters! Two more books with them just doesn't seem like enough. These books aren't long, but they pack a punch with information. A lot happens, you feel like you've run the gauntlet, and then you realize it's only been 100 pages. It wasn't hard to give this book 5 hearts. It earned it. 



Monday, October 26, 2020

Write Drunk, Edit Sober

 ahhhh, that is one of my favorite writing quotes. Although editing makes me want to drink... 

I'm currently in the middle of a massive edit. I felt like Rage definitely needed it. I am struggling with a couple sub-plots, and I think a few tweaks need to be made. I also found a plot hole (or four) that need to be plugged. So I don't have anything excerpty for you right now. I'm hoping to be done with edits soon, but I can't make any promises. 

On top of all the writing and editing I need to be doing... I took on a couple massive crochet projects that will be Christmas presents. My grandma is getting a temperature blanket for 1955 (the year she married my grandpa). However, since I can't ever leave well enough alone... Instead of a traditional temp blanket, I'm making a hexagon for each day. To shape up right, I have to make 364 (one day had to be axed) hexagons. I have 305 made now—59 to go. Then I have to attach them all and add a border. That is only one of three labor-intensive things I've got going right now. After Christmas, I'll try to get some pics up here of some of it! 

Back to topic: I'm very hopeful that next week I will be done with the editing and have an excerpt or extra to post!