"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Friday, February 7, 2020

Alexandra Bracken- The Darkest Minds ♥♥♥♥♥

Alexandra Bracken- The Darkest Minds
488 pages

Reading this book was a little strange for me at first since the last series I finished and this one have a main character named Ruby... 

Anyway, this is one of those books that I will love rereading to find all the little nuances I missed the first time through. It was all so emotional, though. What this book lacked in action scenes it made up for in how quickly it could rip emotions out of you. The roller coaster was incredible, even if it did give me whiplash a few times. I really liked seeing things from Ruby's pov, but she was mildly infuriating. Yet all of it was understandable. You start to get emotional about her being an idiot and then run through all she's been through. It makes sense, and you just can't stay mad at her, not really anyway. 

Liam was pretty great too. His attitude, his emotions, his overall world view. I really loved him here. There is so much more I want to know, and so many questions I wish I could ask... I really can't wait to start the next book. There is just something about him. I really love him.

Chubs is my favorite, though. His realism mixed with a touch of pessimism, his distrust, and hesitance he plays off with dark humor. I really couldn't get enough of him. I also wanted to smack him upside the head. It was a complicated relationship. There is just so much here I want to say but will hold back. 

I still have a lot of questions swirling about the set up of the world. I think the answers will come in the next book, but I can't be sure just yet. Right now, I'm feeling ridiculously angry and confused. The ending was really well done, but I hate it. Emotionally speaking. It completely reinforced my opinions of the characters, though. It makes sense, but I still hate it. I need to know more, and I'm wishing I could start reading more immediately, but work is calling... so I have to wait a bit. 

Overall, I'm happy with the book. This series might end up getting bumped up into favorites, I haven't decided yet, but there is a really good chance of it. 


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