"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Thursday, May 11, 2023

I'm Not Stressed, You're Stressed!

 Don't mind me, just over here silently freaking out about driving across the country... I'm crazy excited about my best friend's wedding. I've known Chris for a decade. A DECADE 😌. I can't believe it's been that long since we were running around in Telara (Guardians FTW) in KC before I staged an accidental coup and launched Shenanigans. The most fun group of people in whole game... Unless any of you had spent time in Rift, it will not make any sense (and he was a filthy Defiant). I'm excited for him and with him. I cannot wait to meet his fiancé in person. But right now I'm freaking out about the journey. I leave at 6am tomorrow (Friday) to start a 16 hour drive. I'm freaking out I will forget something important (like Naomi's bridesmaid dress or the shirt I'll be in as a groomsman). I'm freaking out that my bank will decide I used my card in an out of state gas station so it should shutter it. I'm freaking out about the drive too. It's long. I'm going straight through. And I'm going to miss my cat. My beautiful little Peanut. I'm crazy, I know. I've accepted it. 

Basically what I'm saying is this is short and sweet this week. I barely have time to do anything. I'm on a clock. But, one last thing, I have finished the first round of edits on Matchstick, and I'm taking the second round with me to CT. I may or may not getting any work done on it, either way, I'll have it. 

Ok, until next week ♥

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