"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Please Don't Stop the Music

♫ I just came here to party, but now we're rockin on the dance floor actin naughty ♫

Ahem, sorry. I have a new playlist and it's GREAT! I'm just sitting here on my couch, with a plate of pizza rolls, dancing. That song was first up, and it's been so long since I've heard it that I started it over. I'm feeling much better than last week. Still not super great, but the power of a new playlist is strong. Welcome to my head ^.^

The new playlist comes with NEWS! It's official, I've started writing the second book of SoF. I was struggling with the vibe a little. It just wasn't hitting right. Then I realized I was totally slacking. I didn't make it a playlist. All my books get their own. Some of the songs make it there because of lyrics, some of it is vibe, and sometimes I can just feel them for a specific scene in my head or with a certain character. Honestly, I don't know if my playlists would make sense to anyone but me. It's fine. ANYWAY. SoF book two finally got a name. Having the playlist made all the difference!


I'm crazy excited about it in a way I don't know if other people will see, but again, that's fine. For anyone that does get it... hopefully they are like me and it will make them geek out a little.

I have another nail update! They didn't turn out quite how I wanted them to, but I still really like them. I think that is the story of my life when it comes to my nails. I have grand ideas, and then... remember I have almost zero artistic talent. 

I have other news too! I decided I'm going all in on Matchstick. I'm using it as my goal for CampNaNo in April. Basically, I'm hoping to have the writing done by the end of April. No pressure right? Which also means I'm adding a new tag on here for CampNaNo. Might as well add stats while I go. With two camps and NaNo, I'm going to be busy. Maybe this will be the push I need to write faster. Editing is still a long, tedious, and seemingly never ending process, buuuuut if I can get the writing done faster maybe I can keep to a two books a year publishing schedule?? Does that sound crazy? It feels crazy.

I feel like there was something else I was going to say it. I'm sure I'll remember it later. Like five minutes after this actually posts... Well off to write more things 

♫ I'm a scholar and a gentleman, and I usually don't fall when I try to stand ♫

Until next week ♥

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