"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Testing- ♥♥♥♥♥

325 pages

I had been wanting to read this book for a while. I wish I would have picked it up sooner! I really liked the setup of the story. While it isn’t a mystery, exactly, there is a lot of information that is withheld. It all kind of trickles in. The world Charbonneau is interesting, and so far only parts of it have been revealed.

I like the way human psychology is explored. There are a lot of points in the book that showcase the lengths people are willing to go for their own survival, and the lengths others are not willing to go. It puts morality on the line and bends it. Some of the choices are difficult, and they make you wonder what you would do if you had to make the same choice. Others seem easy… until you add in that your life in is danger.

Cia is such a great character! She is smart, thoughtful, and introspective. She also has a tendency to underestimate herself in most aspects of her life. She is relatable in such an amazing way. All of her actions as she is preparing to leave for the testing are very telling about her and her morality. Watching all of it being pushed to the limits was hard, but interesting.

Tomas is a typical popular boy, until he isn’t. The depth of his character was surprising to me. I guess that shows my bias. He brings a lot of interesting twists to the story. He is also a pretty solid character that makes the story better for being there.

The story was relatively fast paced, and kept my interest the entire time. The lulls in action were completely made up for with new information about the world and the people in it.


For a more detailed review (including spoilers), click here!

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