After being told by a bunch of people that I've spent too much time doing various working related things... I took a break. I spent several glorious days reading. Living in someone else's made up world. I want to just keep doing that. I forgot how lovely it can be to sit down and devour books. Especially when the books are just so good you feel it in your soul. Alas... I have to do other things, but the break was nice.
I'm also stressed beyond belief right now. Some of it is my own. Some of it is second hand. I know a couple people that are under heavy stress right now and I can feel it. It sits heavy in my chest because I can't fix it. I don't know what it is about me, but I just want to fix things for people. I want them to be ok. I want them to be happy (I was recently dragged to the personality test thing, and it wasn't a surprise to see I'm INFJ-T). So, between wishing I could help them and my own shit... It's been a lot. I think the break helped some with that too. Regardless, I just have to live with it. Work around and through it. I have hope that things will start to get better soon. I have to, otherwise it's just too hard.
Speaking of stress... CampNaNo starts on Saturday. It's really starting to set in how much work that's going to be. I get flare ups of it. I've been able to talk myself down every time so far. So that's good. My Crows have been a huge help too. Blowing off steam with them brings me back down to earth. Especially the sisters. I love them.
I need to strike a better balance in my life. I bounce from one thing to another with such intensity that I can barely breathe sometimes. I'm definitely missing C.O. right now. I still haven't gotten my appointments with him back. I still tell myself what I know he would tell me, but it's not quite the same. I'm productive, but also adrift... if that makes any sense. It probably doesn't lol I should be more capable of describing my own shit (ya know, the whole writer thing...), but I am not. So. I'm a very productive adrift person. Sigh.
I've been (lovingly) bullied into writing a book that has always been more of a joke. I don't know when it's going to happen for sure. It's one of those things that will get occasional attention until I'm in a fantastic place with my scheduled series'. I can't give it my full attention right now. It freaks me out a little to be writing this book... I'm not ready to give details about it yet. Just that it's a completely different beast from what I'm doing now. It's non-fiction for one... So, we'll see how that goes.
I'm off to write some more backstories for this place of my own personal insanity. My characters are screaming at me. They need to be let out for a little while.
Until next week ♥
And I'm not even sorry
Nights are so starry, blood moon lit
It must be counterfeit
I think there's been a glitch
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