I may or may not have used a title like that before. It's fine. I'm exhausted. My brain is fried. I pushed through round three of edits much faster than I thought I could. Round four sounds like a tomorrow problem to me. Aaaaaand I'm writing this on the day it's being published?? What?? I know. It's crazy. I've been going crazy lately. Too much to do and not enough time to do it.
My sister got married last weekend! It was a blast. I ended up drinking a lot and drunk texting my other sister (who wasn't able to make it, 1400 miles is pretty far away...) I'm glad I have her. I don't know what would have happened if I started drunk texting other people as much as I did her lol I also danced for like six hours. What I learned is I am too old for this. Hung over and barely able to walk the next day. I got to hang out with her maid of honor, which was awesome. She has basically been family for a long time. And her speech made me cry. I'm still mad at her for that lol
If everything goes as planned... I will be done with Matchstick ON TIME. I'm feeling weirdly productive lately. If I can get Trust written in it's entirety for CampNaNo... I will be set to publish twice next year too. I'm happy. Things are really good right now.
Also, I found a writers group? I don't know if I mentioned that last week. Maybe I did. See earlier comment about brain being fried. Awesome group of people. I love talking to all of them. It makes this whole process better. A few people in particular. The support and motivation is unmatched anywhere. I'm so grateful. I really do love it there.
Ok, I'm off to play something mindless for the rest of the night.
Until next week ♥
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