"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Monday, April 10, 2023

An Interview- Ms. Claudette


“Thank you for sitting down with me, Ms. Claudette. How are you doing today?”

“It’s my pleasure, dear, and I’m doing just fine,” she said as she settled into the chair. “It’s nice to step away for a moment. How are you?”

“I’m doing very well, thank you! Shall we get started?”

“Ask away,” she said with a warm smile.

“How are you enjoying your retirement?”

“It’s relaxing,” she said, crossing her legs and leaning back. “My days and my time are my own, and I’m not beholden to much of anything. Spending mornings on my terrace with coffee is wonderful, and I get to see James and Vanessa every morning when they come into the office. I really couldn’t ask for much more.”

“Sounds like you live a pretty happy life.”

“Very much so. I’m incredibly lucky,” she said with another warm smile.

“What would you want to do, hypothetically, if you were to go out and get a job?”

Her brow furrowed as she drummed her fingers on her knee.

“Hmm, that’s a good question. After all I’ve done and all I’ve experienced, I think I’d like to try something different. Maybe working with children in some capacity. I think I might be good at that, watching out for them and teaching them some of the basics of caring for yourself.”

“I think you’d be good at it too. Those would be lucky children.”

“Well, thank you! You flatter me,” she said with a laugh.

“What’s a hobby you have?”

“Oh, I have quite a few,” she said thoughtfully. “I started knitting when I was young. That’s something I’ve maintained over the years. It’s always good to keep your hands busy. I also help out with rescuing cats and, on occasion, nursing them back to health. Those are the two that are at the forefront. It would take me all day to go through all the bits and pieces of everything I’ve started and would like to finish.”

“What got you started on knitting?”

“With how storied my history has been,” she said with a sly smile, “it was just something nice. As a little girl, I used scraps of whatever I could find just to see something happy come together. Once I was able to get myself into stable living, it was a little easier to find materials. It’s just always been a bright spot.”

“I know things were rough for you for a long time. I’m glad you found something to bring you joy. Is rescuing cats how you ended up with four?”

“In a way, yes. I foster a lot of cats, and some of them just decide they are staying here. That’s the thing with cats. They set up shop where they want to set up shop. It’s their world; we’re just living in it,” she said with a laugh. “I just like seeing them happy. Being able to take in a wee one that’s struggling, nursing them back to health, and seeing them thrive and play is a feeling that’s hard to match.”

“That is just so kind of you. You are a lovely woman.”

“You flatter me,” she said as she dropped her chin and smiled. “It’s more selfish than anything. I get to have a lot of adorable kittens in my life and see them off to good homes. They fill my heart.”

“What skill do you have that might be surprising?”

“I’m a very surprising woman,” she said as she threw her head back, laughing. “I’m small and appear unassuming. I’m pretty plain and unmemorable when out. I can see you have something to say about that, but don’t worry… I wasn’t being self-deprecating, just factual. In my opinion, plain and unmemorable is an asset. I know most don’t see it that way, but it lets you move around as you’d like without drawing attention to yourself. You can get up to all kinds of mischief when people’s gaze just skips over you.”

“That’s an interesting take on it.”

“We were all born exactly as we are, and all we can do is use what we have. I’ve made quite a bit of money at poker. No one thinks someone like me could be such a shark,” she said with a wicked grin. “I don’t know if that answers your question, but I can accomplish a lot by allowing everyone to decide I’m not really anything to pay attention to. You know, until you obtain a national reputation…”

“I’d like to talk about that some.”

“Maybe another time, dear,” she said with a gentle smile. “I don’t have much time left before I need to get back.”

“Fair enough. We are almost done here. What does the perfect vacation look like to you?”

“The last couple years of my life have been the perfect vacation. Relaxing mornings, surrounded by my cats, all the free time in the world to fill with whatever strikes my fancy. It’s been really wonderful.”

“But what about places you’d want to go?”

“Why would I want to go anywhere? It’s so lovely here,” she said, holding her hands out, gesturing around. “I have everything I could ever want or need right here.”

“What about a perfect date?”

“Going to the range!” she said excitedly. “Not only can you compete for the best shot, but how someone holds a bow can be telling. I want a sense of adventure, someone that can’t see the adventure in everyday things just can’t keep my interest for long.”

“You really are full of surprises, aren’t you?”

“I never want to get predictable,” she said with a wink.

“I think I’ve taken up enough of your time, Ms. Claudette. Thank you again for sitting down with me.”

“It was an honor, and I’d love to do it again sometime,” she said as she stood with unnerving grace and ambled to the portal that would take her back.

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