"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Friday, January 24, 2020

Elly Blake- Fireblood- ♥♥♥♥♥

Elly Blake- Fireblood
408 pages

At the beginning of my review for Frostblood, I talked about how a book that is a five star is just obvious. It just earns it, no questions. Fireblood definitely did that, and I'm in love with this book! From the very beginning, it grabbed me and pulled me along with it. 

The pacing was on point this time. It took me through ups and downs, lulls, and intensity. My only "complaint" is the lore is kind of hard to follow. There are so many players with affinities and ties to the land, it's a little hard to track. That isn't really a bad thing, though. It's something that makes you think about relevance, and it pushes you to connect dots and remember details. This is definitely the kind of series you have to come back to and read again to truly appreciate all the nods and inferences. I'm still really enjoying untangling all the threads. On top of all of that... the emotions were still so it-hurts-so-good. They were intense and fitting and beautiful and painful all at the same time. And I loved every second of it. 

Ruby has come so far since the beginning of the first book. Don't get me wrong, I was always rooting for her, but now I feel like I'm screaming my support for her. There is so much I want to say about her, but I don't want to give away too much. So, I'll put it like this: she is a refreshing version of a trope I am rather tired of. And I absolutely love her for it. 

I feel so much more connected to Arcus in this book. As I said in my last review... the type he was portrayed as feels so old to me, like I've seen it too many times and want to roll my eyes. However, here, there is a lot more to him. I felt like there was more depth than I gave him credit for. So this is my apology for that. 

Kia. I don't even know what to say about Kia. I hate him. But I love him. I feel like he is such a perfect addition in so many ways. He gives a complete balance to the books that I am feeling so hard. I didn't want to like him, to be honest, but I do like him. 

I also loved the way this story progressed. I like watching all these changes happen both within and without Ruby. This book one hundred percent is the set up of the next book, but it didn't feel like a 400-page intro. It felt complete. Contained, but a part of the whole. If that makes any sense. 

The way this book ended was so satisfying. It wasn't what I expected at all, which was really lovely. I read a lot of books, and it isn't very often I am taken off guard by an ending. It's something I very much appreciated! I sincerely can't wait to start the next book!


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