"So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. If you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is and just do what they would do."- Neil Gaiman

Friday, October 30, 2020

Jennifer Donnelly- Rogue Wave ♥♥♥♥♥

Jennifer Donnelly- Rogue Wave
Waterfire Saga
297 pages

I couldn't get a review up for the first book, Deep Blue, but my feelings on both books are very similar. This will serve as a sum of my feelings and impressions of both books. 

I fell in love with this series almost immediately. Sera was so easy to connect with and understand that I was with her 100% from the very beginning. Donnelly was able to invoke real emotions throughout. I can't really give any specifics, but there is a real emotional roller-coaster here! Authors that can do that have an exceptional place in my heart.

The pacing runs pretty smooth, but there won't be any definite conclusions to any of the story arks until the end from what I gather now. I have mixed feelings about that. At the end of both Deep Blue and Rogue Wave, it felt like it was over in the middle of things. There were some revelations, some minor conclusions, but felt a little abrupt to be over. I think the reason I'm not more upset about this is because I own all the books. I don't have to wait a year or more to see what will be happening. I know I can jump right into the next book without delay. I understand using cliffhangers and plot lines that run across multiple books, and I'm ok with that, but here it just seems like Donnelly had one really long story that she cut into 4 books. So it's not inherently bad; I'm just a little off-kilter with how we left things. 

The other minor thing potential readers should be aware of is the terminology. Some of it is a little jarring since there is no readily available explanation. You have to be willing to roll with it and not understand exactly what you read until later. I really like this style of writing because it's more immersive. You don't get pulled out of the story to see an explanation of how it works. It does require a little more patience, though. There is a glossary in the back. Be warned: the glossary is written on the assumption you've read the story. You may encounter mild spoilers if you go there before you are done reading. 

The way all the relationships are portrayed is sooo good. The depth and conflict feel very real. I really am in love with these characters! Two more books with them just doesn't seem like enough. These books aren't long, but they pack a punch with information. A lot happens, you feel like you've run the gauntlet, and then you realize it's only been 100 pages. It wasn't hard to give this book 5 hearts. It earned it. 



Monday, October 26, 2020

Write Drunk, Edit Sober

 ahhhh, that is one of my favorite writing quotes. Although editing makes me want to drink... 

I'm currently in the middle of a massive edit. I felt like Rage definitely needed it. I am struggling with a couple sub-plots, and I think a few tweaks need to be made. I also found a plot hole (or four) that need to be plugged. So I don't have anything excerpty for you right now. I'm hoping to be done with edits soon, but I can't make any promises. 

On top of all the writing and editing I need to be doing... I took on a couple massive crochet projects that will be Christmas presents. My grandma is getting a temperature blanket for 1955 (the year she married my grandpa). However, since I can't ever leave well enough alone... Instead of a traditional temp blanket, I'm making a hexagon for each day. To shape up right, I have to make 364 (one day had to be axed) hexagons. I have 305 made now—59 to go. Then I have to attach them all and add a border. That is only one of three labor-intensive things I've got going right now. After Christmas, I'll try to get some pics up here of some of it! 

Back to topic: I'm very hopeful that next week I will be done with the editing and have an excerpt or extra to post! 

Monday, September 28, 2020

The 'Rona

Around the beginning of the year, I started paying very close attention to the news. By the time Naomi's school closed for the remainder of the school year, I was already sufficiently inundated with news coverage of how bad the pandemic could be. After schools closed, I became a teacher. The district wasn't prepared to move to online instruction, and the lessons were more than lacking. So, I took over. Months of fighting with a teenager about the importance of History and how even if you think grammar is stupid... you still have to learn it ensued. 

I haven't sat down to write in so long, I can't even remember where I left off. So, this week I've picked up Rage again. I'm taking the time to edit extensively first. I will be trying to get back into the swing of things. It might take some time to get content flowing at regular intervals again, but I'm working on it. 

As a bonus, this is how well editing is going. Alexandria is helping (yes, that is a paper copy of my book she is laying on...)

Monday, February 10, 2020

Rage Excerpt 9

Can you guess who these two are? 

“We should probably head back,” he rasped.

He stood up and offered his hand. I took it and let him pull me to my feet. When he turned to walk back, I stepped up next to him and pulled him into me.

“Not yet,” I said softly.

I slid my arms over his shoulders and pulled him closer. This time he didn’t move quite as slow. He pressed his lips to mine, but I deepened the kiss. I wanted to feel more of him. I wanted to be in this moment with him just a little longer.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Alexandra Bracken- The Darkest Minds ♥♥♥♥♥

Alexandra Bracken- The Darkest Minds
488 pages

Reading this book was a little strange for me at first since the last series I finished and this one have a main character named Ruby... 

Anyway, this is one of those books that I will love rereading to find all the little nuances I missed the first time through. It was all so emotional, though. What this book lacked in action scenes it made up for in how quickly it could rip emotions out of you. The roller coaster was incredible, even if it did give me whiplash a few times. I really liked seeing things from Ruby's pov, but she was mildly infuriating. Yet all of it was understandable. You start to get emotional about her being an idiot and then run through all she's been through. It makes sense, and you just can't stay mad at her, not really anyway. 

Liam was pretty great too. His attitude, his emotions, his overall world view. I really loved him here. There is so much more I want to know, and so many questions I wish I could ask... I really can't wait to start the next book. There is just something about him. I really love him.

Chubs is my favorite, though. His realism mixed with a touch of pessimism, his distrust, and hesitance he plays off with dark humor. I really couldn't get enough of him. I also wanted to smack him upside the head. It was a complicated relationship. There is just so much here I want to say but will hold back. 

I still have a lot of questions swirling about the set up of the world. I think the answers will come in the next book, but I can't be sure just yet. Right now, I'm feeling ridiculously angry and confused. The ending was really well done, but I hate it. Emotionally speaking. It completely reinforced my opinions of the characters, though. It makes sense, but I still hate it. I need to know more, and I'm wishing I could start reading more immediately, but work is calling... so I have to wait a bit. 

Overall, I'm happy with the book. This series might end up getting bumped up into favorites, I haven't decided yet, but there is a really good chance of it. 


Monday, February 3, 2020

Rage Excerpt 8

Context: a conversation between Nic and Vanessa. 

“Walk me through what you’re thinking,” he said softly.

“That isn’t going to help anyone, but I appreciate the offer.”

“Remember how we talked about letting me help you?”

“Yes, I do. However, I’m not just going to jump right in and share all my deepest darkest secrets.”

“I’m not asking you to,” he said softly. “I’m asking you to tell me what you’re thinking right now. Just one.”

I sighed. Pacing around a little faster, I was trying to decide how much to lean on him. He did want to help, but he was expecting too much out of me.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Elly Blake- Nightblood ♥♥♥♥♥

Elly Blake- Nightblood
437 pages

Be still my heart; I am in love! I came into this book with a lot of anticipation, and I wasn't disappointed! The level of emotions I had to fight through while reading this final installment in the Frostblood Sage was staggering. I bought this series on impulse. It caught my eye as I wandered through the bookstore, and I'm really happy that it did. Like the second book, this one definitely earned five stars. 

Ruby is such a compelling character. She's flawed, and she knows it, but she doesn't hide from it. She has grown so much and watching it happen made me happy. Like deep down inside warm and fuzzy. The way she handles challenges is inspiring, even if you aren't a fireblood. 

Arcus has grown on me so much. I think that was the point. I don't think you were supposed to love him right away. That would take the fun out of it all. Of all the books I've read and all the stories I've seen unfold, I'm just a little bit obsessed with how his character evolves throughout the series. Seeing all of that growth culminate here made me happy. 

Kia. I still don't know how to talk about Kia. He is one of those characters you just have to love. You can't help. I felt so connected to him this time around, and I was glad for it. His entire arch and his journey through this series carries so much purpose, and I just love him. 

When I was close to 100 pages from the end, I was getting very nervous I would hate the end of this book. I didn't want to hate a series I had come to love so much, but I had this sense of dread as I took in everything that was happening. I didn't hate it, though. I am a little torn about it, but I didn't hate it. I feel like everything was constructed so well that it wasn't really a slap in the face (which is what I was beginning to fear). I can accept it, though. I can understand all of it in a way that I didn't think I would. 

The lore was just as impressive here as it has been in the previous books. You really get to understand it all, which is something I thought would take forever. This book brings it all together and doesn't leave you wondering about much, just a little. 

Overall, I love this book and this series. I highly recommend it to anyone that is looking for something new to read. 


An in depth look at the series will be posted soon on my In Depth Review page

Monday, January 27, 2020

Rage Excerpt 7

The horses came to a stop by a set of blue-green colored glass doors. The way the light shined off them, they almost looked like seawater. The gardens here were the most incredible I’ve ever seen. Flowers from all the seasons bloomed and thrived together. I slid off my horse, still marveling at the beauty around me. As tired as I was, I just wanted to stay right here and admire the view.

Randle came around to my side of the horses, a knowing grin on his face. I could hear the others climbing out of the carriage as I looked around wistfully one more time.

“Your quarters are ready for you. You will have two rooms. They are adjoining. So you may meet and settle without worry of others,” Randle said as he approached me. He placed his hands on both of my shoulders and leaned in to kiss my cheek, a high honor from a fairy of royal blood. “Do not drink the wine,” he whispered, barely audible, against my skin.”

“Thank you again for everything you’ve done,” I said with a smile and a slight nod. Everyone made their way over to us.

“It is my honor, Vanessa. Now, I have business to tend to. Dex will escort you from here.”

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Winter is Conspiring Against Me...

The last several days I have been so tired, whenever I sit down to write, I immediately get sleepy. I have almost fallen asleep on my keyboard more times than I'd like to admit. Which leaves me about four chapters behind. It's been both frustrating and draining. I also found out this week that I have severe vitamin D deficiency. Which means the winter is for sure trying to drive me mad. I'm now taking a supplement, so hopefully, this will help with the funk I've fallen into. The joys of living in Michigan. Yet I couldn't ever see myself leaving. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Elly Blake- Fireblood- ♥♥♥♥♥

Elly Blake- Fireblood
408 pages

At the beginning of my review for Frostblood, I talked about how a book that is a five star is just obvious. It just earns it, no questions. Fireblood definitely did that, and I'm in love with this book! From the very beginning, it grabbed me and pulled me along with it. 

The pacing was on point this time. It took me through ups and downs, lulls, and intensity. My only "complaint" is the lore is kind of hard to follow. There are so many players with affinities and ties to the land, it's a little hard to track. That isn't really a bad thing, though. It's something that makes you think about relevance, and it pushes you to connect dots and remember details. This is definitely the kind of series you have to come back to and read again to truly appreciate all the nods and inferences. I'm still really enjoying untangling all the threads. On top of all of that... the emotions were still so it-hurts-so-good. They were intense and fitting and beautiful and painful all at the same time. And I loved every second of it. 

Ruby has come so far since the beginning of the first book. Don't get me wrong, I was always rooting for her, but now I feel like I'm screaming my support for her. There is so much I want to say about her, but I don't want to give away too much. So, I'll put it like this: she is a refreshing version of a trope I am rather tired of. And I absolutely love her for it. 

I feel so much more connected to Arcus in this book. As I said in my last review... the type he was portrayed as feels so old to me, like I've seen it too many times and want to roll my eyes. However, here, there is a lot more to him. I felt like there was more depth than I gave him credit for. So this is my apology for that. 

Kia. I don't even know what to say about Kia. I hate him. But I love him. I feel like he is such a perfect addition in so many ways. He gives a complete balance to the books that I am feeling so hard. I didn't want to like him, to be honest, but I do like him. 

I also loved the way this story progressed. I like watching all these changes happen both within and without Ruby. This book one hundred percent is the set up of the next book, but it didn't feel like a 400-page intro. It felt complete. Contained, but a part of the whole. If that makes any sense. 

The way this book ended was so satisfying. It wasn't what I expected at all, which was really lovely. I read a lot of books, and it isn't very often I am taken off guard by an ending. It's something I very much appreciated! I sincerely can't wait to start the next book!


Monday, January 20, 2020

Rage Excerpt 6

This is a short one. For a little context, Cassidy and Vanessa are setting up wards in the middle of the woods where they are making camp. 

“Everything will work out, and once we are done, I’ll get us portaled to Gus.”

That got a smile out of her. They hadn’t really been apart since they got to Kadence. That alone had to be hard on them both.

“I can’t wait to see him again. Is that silly?” she asked. “It hasn’t even been a whole day yet.”

“It’s not silly, it’s very sweet. Just a couple more days, hopefully.”

We went silent again as we finished up. When we got back to the shelter, we made the boys go inside before we followed.

We settled in, and I started to drift off, but then there was howling.

It came from everywhere at once. That’s when Cassidy and I felt our magic triggered. We were surrounded. 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Happy Planner

I got a Happy Planner for my birthday (so I've had it for two and a half months now). This thing is one of the most incredible tools! I can't say enough about them! At first, I was really skeptical. I've never been a person that has a planner or a physical schedule book or anything like that. I use the calendar on my phone, and I make lists. The Happy Planner and I got off to a rocky start, but once I fell into a rhythm? It's incredible. 

Not only are they entirely adaptable for however you want to use them, and, if you get the hole punch, you can make your own pages. Just opening mine makes me happy. I may have a sticker obsession... Since I've started using the planer itself and some of the accessory pages, my productivity has gone way up. Between the sassy, sarcastic stickers that make me smile and the motivational ones that push me to do better, I strive to complete all my tasks for the day. 

So if you're on the fence about it... Get it. But be warned, the stickers are an expensive addiction! Aaaaand! I've decided to post pictures of what this upcoming week looks like for me. I plan my weeks the weekend before, including the quotes and sass. 

It looks a little chaotic, but that's also how my mind works! I make my own chore pages to stick in (which I don't have shown here). I also have an insert page to track writing days, word counts, and projects too! Three days I have blocked off for serious writing. For those days, I have insert pages that also help to push me into getting more done. This is one of them: 

I feel so much better, and I'm getting so much more done. This was probably one of the best things I have ever started using, and I highly recommend it! 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Elly Blake- Frostblood ♥♥♥♥

Elly Blake- Frostblood
371 pages

I was really torn about how to rate this one. I went back and forth between four and five. I settled on four because, to me, for a book to get a five-star rating, there should be no doubt; it's just that good. 

The pace of this book was too steady. The fight scenes didn't carry urgency, and the reprieve scenes didn't have a slow stillness to them. It was fast enough that I wanted more, but not fast enough to need the more right now. The emotions, though... Those were there in spades. The pain and longing, the sadness and lonely. The joy and the hope, the love and grace. The emotions were gut-wrenchingly well written. I've never encountered a story before that had problems with pacing but still packed an emotional punch. 

The last quarter of the book had much better pacing AND the it-hurts-so-good emotions. That was the only part of the book I really didn't think I could put down. I did really like it, though. I loved the world Blake created. The lore was fascinating, but a touch confusing at times. The was another book I was able to pull out the twist before it happened (sort of). I had it mostly right, so I was only half surprised. However, the way it was set up was really fantastic. There were enough crumbs for me to focus on and string together, but not enough to ruin the ending. 

Ruby is a very intriguing character. She went through a lot of growth during the course of the book, but it feels like she has a long way to go still. She has a few traits that annoyed me, but I feel like that's the sign of a strong, realistic, and relatable character. Arcus is equally compelling. I am a little weary when it comes to the strong, silent, haunted thing in main characters. I don't think it's going away anytime soon, though. 

The actual story was compelling, and it left a lot of questions swirling in my head. I don't want to say too much and spoil anything, so I'll just say this: Diving into the lore and untangling the threads will be fun. I really hope there is an opportunity to do that in the second book. 


Monday, January 13, 2020

Nic: An Interview

I thought it might be time to let Nic shine on his own. He was supposed to be a character that made a quick appearance and wasn’t heard from again. He showed me… 

How are you doing today?

“I’m doing well,” he said with a grin as he settled into the chair. “Although, I’d be much happier if this business with the Conclave was settled.”

Understandable. I’ll try not to take up too much of your time. Ready to answer some questions?

“Very much so.”

Then let’s get this rolling! How do you feel about your last name?

“It’s a token of my heritage, so I like it?” he said as his brow furrowed. “I’m not sure what you’re looking for here. Do people have strong feelings about their surnames?” Some people do, yes. They hate them for various reasons. He leaned back, tipping his to the left, and the inside of his lip. “I mean, I guess I could say I love it because it’s been passed through my family for generations and carries some authority in the Were community.” 

Is there anything you’d like to thank your author for?

A wide grin slowly spread across his face. “Meeting Vanessa.” Would you like to elaborate on that? “She is something else. I’ve never met a non-Were willing to get in a full-blooded Alpha’s face before. She is a pain in my ass, always challenging me, and she never seems to know when to stop.” None of those things sound like a positive. “Oh they are,” he said as he stretched his arms over his head, then lacing his fingers together behind his neck. “I can never decide what I want to do with her. I love it.”

Interesting. We’ll have to get back to that another time… Next question, you can only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what are they?

He tipped his head to the side, mumbling softly to himself. He brought his hands around to his lap, fingers tapping slightly as if he were ticking things off. “Barbeque ham and bacon sandwiches with mayo, spicy mustard, cheese, and fries on the side has to be one of them for sure. Wait… Is that allowed since it’s more than one kind of food?” he asked thoughtfully. Yes, that’s allowed. What about the other two? A small, shy grin lit up his face, “Popcorn has to be one. Definitely popcorn.” He leaned back again, thinking about his final choice. “Pizza,” he finally said. “Fully loaded with meat, three-cheese pizza. NO WAIT! Pepperoni, bacon, black olive pizza with feta and mozzarella. Yea, final answer. That was a drastic change in pizza toppings. What prompted that? “You’ll just have to figure it out,” he said with a smirk. 

Have you said or done anything that surprised your author?

“Just being here,” he said with a laugh. “She really didn’t expect me to stick around. Cal or Reed either. I just couldn’t help it, though, something things you just have to go after.”

That was… cryptic. We’ll keep moving forward, though. You have limitless funds, what kind of party are you going to have?

“A bonfire, for sure,” he said as he sank back into the chair, thinking. “Tons of food and spirits. I’d find the best musician and pay them a ridiculous sum of money to keep the music up for most the night, of course, they could bring any help they wanted.” He drummed his fingers against his leg as he chewed the inside of his lip. “We’d need marshmallows to roast too. And somewhere for everyone to sleep if they wanted to stay.” That sounds pretty incredible. Why that kind of party? “Why not?” he said with a shrug. “Bonfires are always fun, and I feel like we could all use some fun, carefree nights.”

Fair point. Tell us a quick story about something that’s happened to you that not even your author knows about… yet.

“Hmm, I’ll drop this first: I was affirmed and had a little girl once. I’m not going to go into that now, though,” he said firmly. “But I will tell this story: When I was little, I was a bit of a daredevil. I thought since my wolf form could pull some incredible stunts, my human form should be able to do something equally incredible. I tried to scale the side of a house and then jump into a tree that was about… 8 feet away. I was three floors up and I didn’t make the jump. I broke my arm, and my mother went back and forth between worry and anger so fast it made my head spin,” he said with a chuckle. “I was a difficult child.”

Do you have a favorite hero?

“Not so much one individual, but instead a type of person,” he said thoughtfully. “Anyone that sees something troubling and steps in or tries to change it. Just because you lived through something, doesn’t mean everyone after you should have to. I admire people that refuse to tolerate the suffering of others just because they suffered in a similar manner.”

What do you plan to do after this?

“Well, after the interview, I need to get back to Vanessa since we have a country to protect, but after that… I really don’t know,” he said with a grin. “I’m still trying to work that out.”

Good luck with everything, and I’m sure we’ll talk again soon! 

“No, thank you. It was good to get away for minute,” he said as he stood up. “Until we meet again,” he said with an exaggerated bow before he walked off to meet the portal. 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Jennifer Estep- Protect the Prince ♥♥♥♥♥

Jennifer Estep- Protect the Prince
417 pages

I'm in love with Jennifer Estep's writing style. I found her through the Elemental Assassin series and fell madly in love. This series is just as wonderful, and I really like the small nods in the first book to Gin and everyone. 

I've really liked watching Evie figure herself out. She has grown a lot since the beginning of the first book. I am a little unhappy with the character development of Sully and Paloma, though. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but it feels like they are startlingly the same as when the series began. There have been some small changes, but it's not enough. Until the last couple of chapters. Almost as though the evolution of their characters was an afterthought. 

The storyline was really interesting, and the only problem I had with it was the level of foreshadowing. I knew the big twist almost immediately after the set up for the "end game" of the book. It would have been nice to have a little more guesswork involved. Maybe it was intentional, but it was frustrating to know, 100%, where things were headed, and to have Evie so oblivious. 

That being said, I'm really excited about Crush the King! There is still so much I want to know, and several questions I still have. This series very much so adds to the love I have of Jennifer Estep. (As a side note, her website is lovely, and she makes it so easy to identify what order her books and short stories should be read in. Something is that woefully underrated). 


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Rage Excerpt 5

Originally posted on Tumblr May 18th, 2018

I finished up my shower and decided I wanted a snack. I slipped on my sweats and went up to the kitchen, found a copper pot, and added oil and the kernels. As I was getting butter out, I heard someone come into the kitchen. I turned around to see Nic ambling over.

“Aren’t you supposed to sleeping?” I asked.

“I could say the same to you.”

“Fair enough.” I popped the butter in the microwave and heard him pull out one of the stools to sit. We were both quiet for the time being. I pulled out a big bowl for the popcorn, and coated it in butter. I sat at one of the stool next to him and set the bowl between us. “Help yourself.”

“To the popcorn?” he asked with a smile.

“No, to the mound of bacon I set down next to you,” I quipped. His smile only grew.

“So why are you still up?”

“A lot on my mind,” I said as I tossed some popcorn in my mouth. “You?”

“Same. Cal is looking much better though, so that helps. I can never thank Cassidy enough for that.”

“Cassidy loves to help people, all she asks in return is appreciation. Don’t ever take her for granted and that is good enough for her.”

“What about what’s good enough for you?”

“Don’t take her for granted, show more appreciation than you think is acceptable, and don’t piss me off.”

He took a small handful of popcorn and nodded slightly.

“I feel like that last one is going to be a challenge,” he said thoughtfully.

I laughed and tossed some popcorn at him as he grinned.

**All excepts are lightly edited from a first draft. All content may be changed or removed from the final product.**

Monday, January 6, 2020

Cassidy and Gus; An Interview

Originally posted on Tumblr July 24, 2018. This was another tag game for an interview with a character. This time I decided to have Gus and Cassidy sit down together.

“How are you doing today?”

Cassidy leaned into Gus a little and sighed. Gus took her hand in his as he kissed her temple. “We are very tired,” Cassidy says. Gus nodded in agreement.

“You ready to answer some questions?”

“I think so, should make it pretty quick though. A lot is happening right now,” Gus said thoughtfully.

“Vanessa will most certainly need us back soon,” Cassidy agreed.

“How do you feel about your last name?”

"I love it,” Gus chuckled. “We picked it out together. After fleeing from Briar, we decided we needed a fresh start. Names that weren’t so easy to pick out even if we are.”

Cassidy looked over at him lovingly before she added, “Not too often you see a fairy and a witch together. At least the new name is something we can both love and it gives us a hint of anonymity.”

“Is there anything you’d like to thank the author for?”

"Being needed in Kadence. It would have been easy to shove us off as grunts, but that wasn’t what happened,” Cassidy beamed proudly. “We really are quite lucky.”

“You can only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what are they?”

“Oatmeal, hot dogs, and ice cream,” Gus replied without missing a beat. Cassidy shot him a dirty look and scoffed.

“Seriously? For the rest of your life?”

“What’s wrong with those three? We eat them often enough as it is.”

“Well, yes, but as the only foods for eternity? You have to get more creative than that!”

“You’re the creative one,” Gus mumbled under his breath.

“Fried chicken, cream cheese bagels, and a fancied up burger. Those are the final answers,” Cassidy said confidently.

“It all sounds good to me. I’m really not all that picky.”

Cassidy gently nudged him with her elbow. “Are you saying I am picky”

“No dear, I would never,” he replied with a big grin.

“Have you ever done or said anything that surprised your author?”

“Cassidy here hasn’t, but how emotional I got in James’ and Thomas’ backyard surprised her a little, same with at the proposal. I’m usually more contained than that,” Gus said softly.

"You have limitless funds, what kind of party are you going to have?"

"I would want to take those funds to help people in need,” Cassidy said. “If I absolutely had to have a party, it would be for anyone that was hungry. There would be food of all kinds, and I’d get beds set up somewhere for them to nap after, and hmmm… I think I could turn the party into a shelter. Make it a party that just never ends. Would that work? I…”

“Ok, honey, don’t get to carried away. We can’t actually afford to do this.”

“Maybe we should find a way,” Cassidy pouted.

“See what you did…”

“Sorry.. We can move on; Tell us a quick story about something that’s happened to you that not even your author knows… yet.”

They exchanged glances, but fell completely silent. The silence was deafening and more than a little uncomfortable. “Well…,” Cassidy started. “Probably what happened in the woods on the way to Kadence.”

“We don’t want to get into that right now. It was a long time ago, and it’s not a story we like to tell,” Gus said firmly.

“That’s ok. Do you have a favorite hero?”

"Vanessa,” they said at the same time.

“She has a hard exterior, but she does so much good in the world,” Cassidy added.

"What do you plan to do after this?"

"We’ve got a country to save,” Gus said as he stood up. “Think we might be able to head back to it?”

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. The portal over there will take you back.

“Much appreciated,” Cassidy said with a smile.

They walked off hand in hand.

Thomas: An Interview

Originally posted to Tumblr on June 4, 2018. This was a tag game to interview one of your characters.

I’m pretty excited about this one! I’m probably going to change the format just a little bit (shocking that I don’t follow directions isn’t it lol) I think I want this to be an interview with Thomas. Vanessa and James get a lot of airtime on here, so it’s time for Thomas to get some more!

Q: How are you doing today?

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, a slow smile formed. “I’m fantastic, but I would like to make this kind of quick. The Jamessa Society is in the middle of dealing with some things.”

Q: Of course! This shouldn’t take too long. Ready to answer some questions?

He smirked, his eyes were lit with amusement, as he leaned back in the chair. “It’s why I’m here, is it not?”

Q:Fair point. Let’s get started! How do you feel about your last name? Your surname?

“My surname?” he asked as his forehead crinkled. He sat up a little straighter and looked around the room. “Is this a joke? Is Vanessa here with a camera? Did you really pull me away from everything to ask that?” That really is listed here as a question, more an icebreaker. He sighed, and leaned back, lacing his fingers behind his head. “It’s ok? I guess? It’s always been there. There are worse names out there than Ashwood.”

Q: Is there anything you’d like to thank your author for?

He relaxed a bit more again, let his arms come down to his sides. “She brought a world together for James and I to be happy in. She listens to Vanessa complain a lot, and I think that lessens how much I have to hear,” he said with a laugh. “Don’t get me wrong, I love V, but that’s a lot of bitching to come out of one person!”

Q: You can only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what are they?

“That’s a tough one… Is cost a factor, and are drinks included in this limit?” he asked thoughtfully. Money isn’t an issue, and other than water, yes, including drinks. He bit his lip and leaned forward again, knotting his hands. “What about things like pizza? If I get pizza with extra cheese, pepperoni, bacon, and olives would that count as one food?” Thomas, this question doesn’t have to be that involved. Just pick three foods. “It is that involved! I need to know what the limits are to make an informed decision!” he said throwing his hands in the air. “Proper nutrition has to be considered, it has to have some diversity too or I would get bored, and…” Ok, how about this, what are your three favorite meals? “Well that’s easy,” he said with a smile. “Double cheese, pepperoni, bacon, olive, and feta cheese pizza with cheese bread, hamburgers with bacon, lettuce, tomato, pickles, spicy mustard, ketchup, and mayo with french fries, in honey mustard of course, and a three cheese, turkey, and ham sandwich with tomatoes, sprouts, lettuce, and honey mustard with tomato soup. You couldn’t have just picked any of those for the original question? “You’re the one that didn’t set parameters for the food in the first question!” he said with a gleeful laugh.

Q: Always so difficult… anyway, have you ever done or said anything that surprised your author?

"She wasn’t expecting the anger,” he said with a slight nod. “She thought I was just a sweetheart that was in love with James. How dark and harsh my past is, and the anger it left me with surprised her,” he said as he started to dry wash his hands. “I wish she hadn’t seen that. I would have loved to just keep moving forward, but she is going to want to understand it. That means talking about it.” Maybe talking about it can help you. He let out a puff of breath. “Yea, maybe.

Q: You have limitless funds, what kind of party are you going to have?

He still hummed with tension, but this question was still much brighter than the last. He peered up with a shy smile. “A Coalescence Ceremony. I would make sure it was perfect. James deserves that you know,” he said looking back toward his feet. “After everything… he just deserves the best life can offer.” He cleared his throat, when his gaze came back up it was no long shy, but fiercely determined. “I would plan it all for him.”

Q. Tell us a quick story about something that’s happened to you that not even your author knows about… yet.

He sighed. “Why is this interview such a roller coaster? I don’t really want to talk about all of that right now. We are in the middle of trying to save Aleiant right now. We can worry about this other stuff later.” Can you allude to any of it? “No,’ he said firmly. “I have a lot on my plate right now and I can’t get dragged into my memories. All you need to know is my past has some pretty big skeletons. They will have to be dealt with at some point. That point is not right now.”

Q. Do you have a favorite Hero?

"Probably not in the traditional sense you’re looking for,” he said. He had started fidgeting with the cuffs on his shirt. “James for his overwhelming positivity and compassion. He showed me a new way to live. Vanessa for the way she is always brazenly herself, no matter what. Gus and Cassidy’s loyalty to each other is impressive and should be aimed for by everyone.” He sighed again, “that’s all I have for that one. Are we almost done here? I’d like to get back.”

Q. What do you plan to do after this?

"Whatever I can to protect Aleiant. Affirm with James. Help make sure Ellie gets an official spot in the Jamessa Society. I would also really like some real sleep. Like lots of consecutive hours, in a real bed, with comfy blankets.” he rubbed the palm of his hands over his knees. He looked like he was vibrating with the need to get up and leave, but was waiting to be dismissed. Thank you for answering these Thomas. A portal will open over there and take you back. “Anytime, although preferably not anytime soon… I’m going to be a bit busy.” He gave a small nod, and walked off to greet the portal.

I think I want to do more of this, only with the group, and a more clearly defined narrator… Stay tuned for that. It might be a thing…

Love and Relationships

Originally posted to Tumblr on May 25, 2018. This post was apart of the user created FicFest, and the theme of the day was romance.

I have two relationships I want to showcase today. First is James and Thomas. I really love these two, and this is an excerpt from Rage:

The entry way was breathtaking. Pale pink cherry blossoms interspersed with red honeysuckles lined the walls, and vases of crimson lilies and blue and green dahlias made a pathway toward the living room; it created the most intoxicating scent. It was an incredible display meaning beauty, happiness, passion, and commitment respectively.

James was standing to my left still awestruck. I smiled at him and nudged him forward. His eyes glistening, he started slowly forward. I followed closely behind him, heart racing, hands trembling. James was like a brother to me, and seeing all of this done for him made me love Thomas all the more. As he turned to the living room he came to an abrupt halt, and I bumped into his shoulder. He reached down to take my hand.

Peering over his shoulder I saw why. Red and pink peonies and purple and pink sweet peas covered every surface. Sweet peas were his favorite. Gus and Cassidy were standing on either side of the doorway across from us. Gus was fidgeting with the sleeves of his jacket, and had tears rolling down his cheeks. Cassidy looked like she had been crying most of the day, and her damp lapels seemed to confirm it. They both dipped their heads to James before pushing the door open. Thomas was standing there with a shy smile. His charcoal grey suit looked brand new. His hands were in his pockets, but it didn’t hide his jittery fingers.

I squeezed James’s hand once before letting go. He turned and gave me a hug, squeezing me tightly and whispered, “check out the neighbors my ass.” I kissed his cheek and grinned at him.

“What are best friends for?”

He swiped at his eyes before turning around and walking further into the room. They both walked slowly and deliberately, meeting halfway. Thomas took his hands, and smiles nervously. Ellie and I slipped a little further into the room, but stayed out of the way. I saw Ms. Claudette sitting in a chair in the corner of the room and gave her a small wave.

“Do you remember how we met?” Thomas practically whispered.

“I do,” James said with a laugh. “I called you an entitled jackass after you spilled coffee all over V and tried to make her pay for it.”

“It was a rough day, but I did apologize for that,” Thomas said with a grin.

“You still owe me a skirt,” I mumbled.

He flashed me a smile, before stepping in closer to James.

“That day was one of the best and the worst days for me. I very nearly lost everything, but then I met you. Granted, at first it was my rage at your audacity that kept me going, but then I ran into you a few more times, not literally thank the gods. I started to notice how kind you were to everyone around you, even me. How your smile lit up the room. I think your eternally optimistic view of the world started to rub off on me.”

He looked down, his voice had started to quiver. He was rubbing the pad of his thumb slowly back and forth over the back of James hand.

“You forgave me and convinced Vanessa not to murder me when I asked for your number. You’ve taught me how to cope with the stress of my job. You’ve taught me how important empathy is. You still love me even when I forget those things and lose my temper. James, having you in my life is more than I could have ever hoped for.”

My heartbeat sped up, and goosebumps spread across my skin. Tears were threatening to spill over as I watched the most heartwarming love sweep over my best friends face. Tears had started to slowly slide down his cheeks. I could hear Cassidy and Ellie sniffling, but I was too transfixed by James to glance at them.

“I want to wake up to you every morning. Fall asleep next to you every night. I want to stand in the bright shine of your empathy and compassion every day. I want to listen to your worries and soothe your fears. I want to grow old with you, and build that small cabin on Oasis Lake. I want all your tomorrows.”

Thomas’s voice started to quiver even more. Tears were spilling faster, and it looked like he had started squeezing James’s hands. My breath hitched as I failed to keep the tears back. Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, vivid purple stone. It was an oval amethyst, jaggedly cut in half. Thomas bowed his head slightly.

“James would you do me the honor of binding your soul to mine for the rest of our days?”

“It would be my honor,” James breathed as he placed his hands gently on either side of Thomas’s face. He leaned in slowly and kissed him. Thomas’s arms slid around his waist and pulled him closer, holding on to him tightly.

I was the first of the rest of us to move. I sprung to my feet, whistling while I clapped. The others followed suit, and when Thomas and James broke apart, Thomas was blushing, but I had never seen him happier. I ambled over to James and pulled him into a hug.

“I’m so happy for you,” I whispered, squeezing him harder.

“Thank you,” he said back. I held on to him a moment longer, but had to let go for everyone else to have a turn.

The second one is Gus and Cassidy. This happens fifteen years before the start of Rage. I decided to write this out for this fest. I think I will write a lot more of their story sometime soon, but for now, the proposal:

It had been a long day, but Gus had seemed so excited to have dinner she couldn’t bear to say no. At least it was cooling down. The setting Harvest sun not quite as harsh as Torrid was. She wished she had time to shower, but she was running late as it was. The park Gus wanted to meet in was in neutral territory. They wouldn’t have to worry as much about prying eyes. The last several years had been rough. Neither of them were able to get their races to understand. They hadn’t meant to fall in love after all. They didn’t even know the sort of chaos it would bring.

When the park came into view, she wasn’t even sure what she was seeing. There were lights strung up over all the trees. They twinkled pale blues and yellows. An archway had been erected just inside the gate. Snap dragons flourished at its base, with lilac and trumpet vine weaving through the wooden spokes. She took a deep breath and held is as she stepped under the beautiful arch. There were candles and snap dragons everywhere. Vibrant colors made it all the more lovely by the twilight.

Randle stepped forward to pull her into a tight hug. Her cousin’s presence here explained having so many off season flowers looking so lovely. He held on a little longer than normal for fairies. When he stepped back his eyes were shining.

“You’re a very lucky woman, Issy. I’m always on your side,” he said softly as he led her over to a table she hadn’t seen before.

Cassidy tried to ask him what was going on, but he shook his head slightly and pulled out a chair. She sat down, looking wide eyed around the park. So much had gone into this.

Gus stood near the entrance of the park mostly shielded by a tree. The look of awe on Cassidy’s face made everything worth it. Without her cousin’s help, he wouldn’t have been able to create this for her. He watched Randle get her settled into a chair and slip out of the park. He took a deep breath and walked out from his hiding spot.

She was breathtaking as always. Her golden hair was piled on top of her head. She would say she looks like a wreck, but this was how she was the most beautiful to him. He ambled over to her, his smile portrayed more confidence than he felt.

“Gus… this is beautiful,” she said softly.

“I’m glad you think so, it looks like I’m off to a good start,” he replied. He dropped to one knee and took both of her hands in his. “The last few years with you have been incredible. Even with only stolen moments and secret dates, it’s been the greatest part of my life.”

“Oh Gus, I love you,” she breathed.

“I want all of my days to be spent with you. Run away with me Issy. Run away and affirm me.”

“It could never work. I love you deeply, but the fairies will never condone an affirmation.”

“It could. Randle has been helping me. We can slip out into the woods outside the city. It would take a few days, but we could make our way to Kadence. Randle found a witch that earned the attention of Raffe. She could help us.”

“Raffe? The gangster that owns almost all the docks in Hearth? How can anyone associated with him be of any meaningful help for us?”

“She has connections that could help, plus she already has a reputation for being bold and defiant.”

“I… is it really possible?” she asked tentatively.

“It is if you want it to be. Run away with me and make me the happiest man in existence.”

“Yes,” she laughed. “Yes, let’s do it! When can we leave?”

“Right now. Randle packed a bag for you and will meet us at the wall tonight.”

He pulled her close and kissed her softly, promising himself that he would always do right by her.

**All excerpts are lightly edited from a first draft. All content may be changed or removed from the final product.**

Character Intros and Backgrounds

Originally posted to Tumblr May 25, 2018. This post was a part of user started FicFest, and was intended to be an intro/background into any characters you wanted to showcase.

Vanessa- She is greatly inspired by some of my favorite things in life. Vanessa is who I would love to become. She is blunt, sarcastic, aggressive, protective, loyal, and can of course hurl fireballs at people that piss her off. If only I could learn to do that last part… I didn’t write her specifically to fit the lovable asshole trope, but she does fit it in some ways. She has a very dry sense of humor, and has mastered the deadpan delivery. She self-describes as bitchy. To her (and to me) it’s a good thing. It’s a badass thing. It’s something to be proud of. Her past is something she doesn’t talk about much, but it will surface a few times throughout Rage and the rest of the series. She was abandoned as an infant. She met James in the orphanage they were dumped at. A lot of her aggressive tendencies developed as a means of survival. At 12, she and James ran away from the orphanage to try and find a better life. For her, that meant hardening herself to the world. Taking charge of it. Making sure she was never in a vulnerable position again. She had love once, but it didn’t work out in a spectacularly awful way. She closed herself off to that too. She does want to make the world a better place, but she doesn’t talk about it. I wouldn’t advise bringing it up either (unless you’re James).

James- I had this vision in my head when I came up with James and Vanessa. This almost perfect yin and yang thing. I didn’t know how or why, but I just knew how they would interact with each other. The backstory formed almost flawlessly and it made sense. James is the calm to Vanessa’s storm. He is patient, thoughtful, deliberate, and reserved. They are soul mates in the truest sense. James also doesn’t like to talk about the past, but he will with people he trusts. Gus, Cassidy, and Thomas learned of both his and Vanessa’s history through James. While they were both dumped in the same orphanage, raised by the same uncaring guardians, and both took the streets together, James doesn’t see it the same way Vanessa does. He was always a little more cautious, but watching Vanessa charge in to all situations without a second thought made him more so. He took to protecting her the best way he knew how: backup/escape plans. She jumped into the middle of danger to protect him, he found a safe exit for them both while she kept all attention on her. He wouldn’t let the world harden him though. He wants to see the beauty in life. He wants to save the world and isn't afraid to announce to anyone. He’s very overt about wanting to rescue anyone from the past he and Vanessa shared.

Cassidy- When I started this book I didn’t intend to keep her and Gus around as regular important characters. Shows me what I know… Cassidy is a sweet lady. She will help anyone that appreciates it. She loves the world as a whole and sees all it could turn into. She is a bit of dreamer, but she knows it. She sees all the bad stuff too. She just chooses not to dwell on it. Her past with Gus and how they met Vanessa is going to get air time with this series (I just don’t know when) so I’m only going to touch on it briefly. She had been a part of one of the leading fairy families. Part of her job was to keep the witches off balance. Tensions between the two magic wielding races had always been high, but for the leading families it was even more so. It was always a battle for whose magic was more valuable. Then a boy tried to get her attention as he rode by on horseback. He wasn’t paying attention and his head slammed into a sign, knocking him off his horse. (I know it sounds very Romeo and Juliet, it isn’t quite though).

Gus- He was of course the guy on horseback. He didn’t even know she was a fairy at first glance, just that she was beautiful. He wasn’t a member of one of the leading witch families, he just worked for one of them. He was accustomed to hard work, and even with magic he had calloused hands. Much of his magic was used up during the day at the Academy training for combat, so at work he just used his hands. He is a very down to earth guy that places very little value in expensive things. Woodworking is one of his favorite hobbies, and even though he has magic to spare nowadays, he still uses his hands to carve everything from figurines to statues.

Thomas- Ah, Thomas is my redemption story. When he met James and Vanessa for the first time he was a self-absorbed asshole. Their first encounter lead to a lot of yelling and Vanessa wanting to kill him, just a little bit. The change that swept through him happened mostly before this books starts, but he still has some of those moments. Vanessa still wants to kill him sometimes. I plan to tell Thomas’s story in full at some point too. (I have A LOT of plans…) He works at a bank managing major accounts. He has a lot of powerful contacts, most of them legit, but some are a little shadier. He almost never uses his clout to pull in favors anymore. Something that used to give him a pretty bad reputation. He is now pretty well respected. That he is living with and in love with James only helped his case. Every one that knows James thinks he’s the greatest. Having James care about you boosted your credibility dramatically.

Nic- I’m kind of excited about this one. I haven’t talked much about Nic anywhere yet. He doesn’t come into play until like 100 pages into the book, but he’s going to be pretty fantastic. As a powerful Were alpha, he pretty much always gets what he wants. Then he met Vanessa. He is both amused and infuriated by her. She defies all of his instincts. She doesn’t defer to him. She doesn’t require protection. She is downright disrespectful when she feels like it. She’s funny though, and it’s kind of nice to see someone step into Were politics and not need their hand held. The two of them are like any one of these death defying rollercoasters. Ups and Downs, breakneck speeds, sharp corners, but ending in a massive freefall with hopes the parachute works. James and Vanessa complement each other in almost every way with a defined give and take. Nic and Vanessa… they collide and challenge each other constantly. Their banter is so much fun to write!

Rage Excerpt 4.5

Originally posted to Tumblr May 18, 2018

Just a little peak!

“Aw hell no,” I grumbled as I marched over to the corner. “Like I’m gunna just stand here and let some strange wolf protect me.”

“So, don’t get mad,” James said as I glared at him. “Maybe this once you should let someone protect you. They know the area and the people involved.”

I snorted and walked around the corner.

**All excerpts are lightly edited from a first draft. All content may be changed or removed from final product.**

Character Tidbits- Rage

Originally posted on Tumblr May 16, 2018. This post was specifically to talk about a characters favorite place, how they take their coffee, and a secret they have!

Vanessa: James and Thomas’s house is her favorite place to go, because it always feels so comforting. She takes her coffee different for every mood! Bad/long days, black. Stressful days, caramel lattes. Average days, cream. No matter the mood though, the coffee always has to be strong. She secretly loves the nickname “Jamessa Society” given to their little group of friends by Thomas, she still tells him her name should be first.

James: Anywhere with a lot of books is his favorite place to go, because it is usually calm, serene, and lets him unwind. He mostly takes his coffee with half and half, but branches out to cream or even caramel lattes. He secretly (it’s not a big surprise though), loves how all over the place Vanessa is. She brings him out of his comfort zone, and he has had a lot of cool experiences (good and bad) because of her and her impulsiveness.

Thomas: He loves going to the range to shoot his bow because it lets him relax but also vent frustrations. He takes his coffee black, but Vanessa doesn’t always remember that and gets his with cream. He’s learned to be ok with cream in his coffee. He secretly loves dancing. He grew up wanting to dance, but he needed to step into a role to make money. Now, he is a little embarrassed so he doesn’t tell people.

Rage Excerpt 4

Originally posted to Tumblr May 11, 2018

I love Vanessa more than I ever thought I would! Here is a glimpse of the end of a conversation with Nicholai (he’s new, and I can already tell he will be a favorite!)

“Are you always so evasive?” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Are you always so bossy?”

“She is bossy on her best days and downright bitchy on the bad ones,” James said plopping down beside me. “What did I miss?”

“Nic is being evasive. Answering, but not really,” I said.

“Hey now, I answered all the questions,” Nic replied.

“Sure, in the shortest way you could. Is it a natural talent or did you have to learn how to answer questions using as few words as possible?”

He gave me a soft smile before climbing to his feet.

“I’m going to see how Reed is doing.”

I watched him weave his way to the other side of the room and shook my head.

**All excerpts are lightly edited from a first draft. All content may change or be removed from the final product.**

Rage Excerpt 3

Originally posted to Tumblr May 10, 2018

Wrote this one a few days ago, but forgot to post it. It’s a little smaller than the others, but I feel like it captures so much of James and Vanessa’s dynamic!

“Ok, how are we getting in, and what kind of distraction are you going to create?” he asked as he took the stones.

I smiled, and without hesitation, kicked the door open.

“Hey! Assholes! This isn’t how this works, ok?” I said to the room of astonished werewolves.

“That was a little more dramatic than necessary wasn’t it?” James murmured to me.

**All excerpts are lightly edited from a first draft. The contents could be changed or removed from the final product.**

Rage Excerpt 2

Originally posted to Tumblr April 26, 2018

I thought about adding in some of the fight scene, but I decided to hold off on that. I still need to do too much editing and refining. This is a moment during a slight reprieve in the fighting, and the first time Thomas is directly in the story and not just talked about!

Thomas was on the floor in the corner, sword in hand, eyes wide. James dropped my hand and rushed over to him. Recognition shone in Thomas’s eyes, and he leapt to his feet, dropping the sword. James pulled him in hard and held him tight. Thomas’s arms went around James’s neck as he pressed a fierce kiss to his lips.

I pulled Ellie to the other room to give them a minute to bask in their relief. We needed to get moving, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell them that yet.

“I think the bow is in the closet in here, I’m going to go find the other sword. I think I have a plan.”

She nodded, while I went back through the living room. James and Thomas were still locked in a crushing embrace, but James pulled back to rest his forehead against Thomas’s.

“I was so worried,” he whispered. “So worried.”

I slipped into their bedroom to look for the other sword. It didn’t take long before James joined me.

“Thank you for giving us a minute. I know we need to get moving,” he said hoarsely.

“I knew you needed it, but now we have to find the other sword and get upstairs.”

**All excerpts are lightly edited from a first draft. The contents could change or be removed from the final product.**

Rage Excerpt 1

Originally posted to Tumblr February 20, 2018

“Gmorning sunshine!”

 I scowled at my phone.

 “Oh come on V, you know you are always happy to hear my voice,” his smooth baritone purred though the phone.

 “Yep, it’s always a pleasure,” I said flatly.

 “Well don’t get too excited,” he said with a laugh. “I brought coffee.”

 “Alright, alright, I’m up.” I ended the call and tossed my phone on to the bed. I slid to my feet and stretched, before padding to the front door in the oversized t-shirt I always slept in and flung the door open.

 “There she is!” James said in an annoyingly patronizing voice. “Look what I brought you! Some coffee!” 
He was standing at the bottom of the stairs leaning against the railing. His hair was tousled like it always was. He said it was a fine art to get it to look like that. I sighed at him and held out my hand, the coffee he brought me lifted out of his hand and drifted up to mine. 

 “Don’t make me slam the door in your face J. You know I will,” I said as I took a sip. He ambled up the steps and slipped passed me into the house, completely unfazed by the murderous look I was shooting him. 

 “Go shower, get dressed, and we can get going,” he said as he flung himself onto my couch. 

“How does Thomas put up with you?” I grumbled under my breath as I headed back to my bedroom. 

“He loves me just like you do,” he said matter-of-factly. “Well, a lot more than you do actually. In fact, last night…” 

“What meetings are today again?” I called out to the living room, cutting him off. I peeled the t-shirt off and tossed it into the corner of the room where the other dirty clothes were, and grabbed a clean bra and panties and traipsed into the adjoining bathroom, setting my coffee on the counter, “And come in here so I can hear you while I shower.” Leaving the bathroom door open I flipped on the shower. 

 “Vanessa, it always amazes me that you can’t remember your own schedule. We have a meeting with Donaldson first. That should be quick and painless,” he said sardonically.

I poked my head out of the bathroom, “Why did we schedule that first thing again?” 

“To get it over with,” he replied with a sigh. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the shower, tipping my head back, and letting the heat seep into my body. “We only have one other meeting, a new client, then we can go out and kick ass and take names.” 

 “New clients have a tendency to be a pain in the ass,” I groaned. 

 “That’s an interesting business model; ‘All new customers are a pain in the ass. Avoid whenever possible.’ That should really increase profits.” 

I scowled at the door, “You’re lucky looks can’t kill.”

**All excerpts are lightly edited from a first draft. The content here could change or be removed from the final product. **